Indian head massage is a relaxing and energising treatment that focuses on massaging acupressure points along the head, neck, and shoulders, often using circular massage strokes to improve hair and scalp condition.
It originates from an ancient Indian (alternative) medicine system called Ayurveda which has been practiced in India for

over 2000 years and requires no oils or equipment. It is usually conducted whilst seated and through light clothing.
There are numerous benefits to Indian head massage, but here are just a few:
Promotes hair growth by increasing oxygen in the hair follicles which in turn stimulates growth and health.
Prevents headaches and migraines by releasing tension (often long term) in the head and neck area and relieving muscle stiffness
Renews and balances energy levels by working with the three higher chakras (energy centres of the body)
Alleviates symptoms of depression and anxiety through relaxation
Boosts memory capabilities by reducing levels of stress and calming the mind
Stimulates lymphatic drainage by circulating blood to the neck area
Better sleep by reducing stress and creating a calmness in the mind and body
Improves circulation of cerebral spinal fluid which in turn supports optimal brain function and cellular health
A treatment normally starts with the shoulders, we tend to focus on this area at the beginning because they often hold a lot of tension. The upper back is also massaged working around the shoulder blade. We then move up the neck, massaging and stretching to relieve any stress and tension. Finally, the scalp is then massaged along the acupressure points on the head, and then move to the forehead and the area around the eyes.
We tend to use oils for this treatment. They not only condition the hair but also help to promote growth and healthy skin. Coconut and almond oil are the most popular to use, which are perfect for dry hair. Jasmine oil can be used also.
This treatment is equally effective without oils as the massage technique has natural conditioning effects, and will help to loosen the hair follicles which in turn increases natural hair oil.
Please contact us on 910 665 601 or send an email to for further details and to make an appointment.